Use the previous token to authenticate your requests, using the parameter mwsd.
API available methods
countryCountry codes separated by comma using ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code (E.g. AU,PT,US)
carrierCarrier names separated by comma (E.g. Vodafone,Orange,Claro)
verticalsCategories separated by comma (E.g. Carrier Billing,Dating,Live Cams)
statusPossible values: Active, Paused and Blocked
flowsFlows separated by comma (E.g. 1 Click,DOI,PIN Submit)
order_byPossible values: Performance, ID and Payout
offersNumeric values, separated by comma
payout_aboveDecimal value, using dot notation (E.g. 2.5)
limitLimit the number of offers retrieved
pagesPaginate the results retrieved
This is an example of a method that returns all available offers for your affiliate account. You can delete or add any method from the URL.[country]&verticals=[vertical]&status=[status]&flows=[flows]&order_by=[order_by]&offers=[offers]&payout_above=[payout_above]&limit=100&pages=1&mwsd=[YOUR_TOKEN_HERE]