Pixel Implementation

You can configure a Callback URL that will be triggered upon conversions to notify you with detailed information for each transaction.

On your Callback URL you can use as many of our standard placeholders as you want and name the parameters the way you prefer.

Examples of Callback URL:


Configure your Callback URL here.

Provide your unique tracker parameters, up to 4, separated with a comma. These parameters will be used on your Callback URL under {tid}, {tid1}, {tid2} and {tid3}. Example: If you set subid,uniqueid,pubid they will be able to be appended at the Callback URL under {tid}, {tid1} and {tid2} respectively.

Set the parameters that you want to be automatically appended in each new campaign URL you create at the marketplace. Example: If you set visitor_id={subid}&pub_id={sourceid}, every time you generate a new campaign URL will be like https://xxxxx.mobipiumlink.com/?mob=yyyyy&visitor_id={subid}&pub_id={sourceid}.

Configure your Callback URL here.

Provide your unique tracker parameters, up to 4, separated with a comma. These parameters will be used on your Callback URL under {tid}, {tid1}, {tid2} and {tid3}. Example: If you set subid,uniqueid,pubid they will be able to be appended at the Callback URL under {tid}, {tid1} and {tid2} respectively.

Set the parameters that you want to be automatically appended in each new campaign URL you create at the marketplace. Example: If you set visitor_id={subid}&pub_id={sourceid}, every time you generate a new campaign URL will be like https://xxxxx.mobipiumlink.com/?mob=yyyyy&visitor_id={subid}&pub_id={sourceid}.

Configure your Callback URL here.

Provide your unique tracker parameters, up to 4, separated with a comma. These parameters will be used on your Callback URL under {tid}, {tid1}, {tid2} and {tid3}. Example: If you set subid,uniqueid,pubid they will be able to be appended at the Callback URL under {tid}, {tid1} and {tid2} respectively.

Set the parameters that you want to be automatically appended in each new campaign URL you create at the marketplace. Example: If you set visitor_id={subid}&pub_id={sourceid}, every time you generate a new campaign URL will be like https://xxxxx.mobipiumlink.com/?mob=yyyyy&visitor_id={subid}&pub_id={sourceid}.


{tid} Tracking parameter value

{car} Carrier if available

{pay} Transaction payout

{cou} Offer Country

{cam} Campaign id

{uni} Unique id

{oid} Offer id

{tid1} Optional unique parameter

{tid2} Optional unique parameter

{tid3} Optional unique parameter

You can insert your custom tracking ID on your Callback URL.

Simply set the allowed placeholders as the value of the parameters you wish to receive in your callback. They will be automatically replaced by the the real values of the transaction. All placeholders are optional.